Electronic Forms

Forms are the information to the enterprise. Automating forms and processes reduces costs; shrinks process cycles and offers visibility into business process status at every step. Formtran can help you use electronic form technology to streamline and simplify the complex maze between people, documents and processes that are critical to businesses, with a flexible and scalable architecture and no barriers between paper, online and mobile information.


  • Electronic Forms Designer – easily create and deploy electronic forms
  • Forms Web Desktop – Central location for users to manage electronic forms
  • Process Design Studio – a comprehensive, graphical workflow modeling and simulation environment enabling business users to define and test processes
  • Analytics – a comprehensive monitoring and management console that provides visibility into business processes and helps enforce compliance across the enterprise
  • Mobile Process Automation – enables decision-makers to access, review, digitally sign and approve steps in pivotal business processes from anywhere
  • Audit and Security – Comprehensive tracking and auditing capabilities log user and administrative activities and present them in an easy to use management console
  • Paper form integration – Offers users the option of submitting paper forms or electronic forms. In situations where a wet signature is required or where federal or state government mandates require both options (paper and electronic forms) to be offered to consumers, this capability is critical
  • MS Outlook Integration – A folder can be automatically pushed from the web desktop to a Microsoft Outlook client allowing users to navigate to Folders, Inbox, Sent Items, Saved Items, and Work Queues


  • Build lock-tight, compliant and auditable processes that minimize the risk of fines and damage to business reputation
  • Achieve optimal business outcomes by providing workers with 100% of the information required to make good business decisions
  • Drastically increase process speed by eliminating idle time between tasks, assembling 100% of supporting information and minimizing human touch points
  • Eliminate costly processing errors and omissions by automating task allocation
  • Capture structured and unstructured information from paper and electronic documents to automate business processes
  • Ensure adherence to best practices across a distributed work force by enforcing consistency
  • Increase visibility into process bottlenecks and redundancies in repetitive tasks
  • Impose deadlines, monitor task level detail, and raise alerts to improve outcomes